Sunday, June 29, 2025
Pride in the Park
Allegheny RiverTrail Park
A family-focused, youth-centered annual gathering to connect and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community. All are welcome!
A family-focused, youth-centered annual gathering to connect and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community. All are welcome!
Be a part of the 5th Annual Pride in the Park!
Be a part of the 5th Annual Pride in the Park!
Applications are open to vend, table and sponsor.
The Venue
The Venue
Allegheny RiverTrail Park
Allegheny RiverTrail Park
285 River Avenue
285 River Avenue
Located along the Allegheny River, this beautiful park setting is wheelchair accessible and welcoming to all.
Located along the Allegheny River, this beautiful park setting is wheelchair accessible and welcoming to all.
On-site parking is limited. Please consider walking, biking, or carpooling if you are able to.
If the on-site lot is full, guests can park in the Merchant Lot, metered spaces on Freeport, or at the Aspinwall Municipal Parking lot on Commercial Avenue. Street parking is also available on Brilliant Avenue. Please follow all posted signage, including Resident Only parking restrictions.
Questions about this event? Send us an email.